The process to analize and discover the elements hidden in the feedback relationship between the introspective world of an individual and his or her environment began with the question of HOW DOES THE PROCESS OF ATTACHING EMOTIONAL FEATURES TO A PHYSICAL OBJECT WORK?
In order to get some insights on this matter, the first approach started with a very personal image. Basically, the experiment consisted on taking a personal object of an important emotional background with me everywhere during a week, and create a series of pictures through it.
The personal object I chose is a stuffed animal in the shape of a little monkey, and it has a great sentimental value to me. It belonged to my sister that passed away years ago. From the moment that she left on, I took many of her belongings and I realized I found some sort of comfort on them. For that reason, when I moved out to study abroad,one of the main objects I took with me, was the little stuffed monkey. Somehow the presence of it with me while traveling around gives me the feeling of being closer to the presence of my sister.