The relationship between the interior world of a human being and how it is reflected on his or her exterior environment is quite complex. It could represent a direct translation, but also it could reflect an opposite perspective, or it could work in both ways. Therefore, being this relationship open to infinite interpreting possibilities, all together in the same expression, I find this relationship intrinsically ambiguous. Considering 'Ambiguity' as a quality of multiperspective and multi-dimensional. For that reason, I considered pertinent to add this quality to the on going research and explore the possibilities of this concept into space.
In order to explore -Ambiguity- I decided to choose some specific expressions related to the human condition and the environment in which we all function. These expressions were: 'Death', 'Nature', 'The human condition itself', and 'Love'.
As an experimental project and with the basis of the concept of ambiguity, four scale models were developed.