Not a mirror

GRADUATION PROJECT [Master in Scenography HKU]


June 2017

Camila Caiza Duque MA Scenography 008_small.png

This video installation was shown as the final representative part of the Master Research Project ‘Multilayered Atmospheres’ developed during the course of two years within the frame of the Master in Scenography. It explores the study of the different consciousness layers and its spatial perception. The visual and conceptual material was collected through two main stages: one related to the study of my own unconscious side through my dreams and the other one connected to an exploration of the city as the stage of the waking hours (the ‘conscious’ side). This experimentation with my dream´s material and the imagery taken from the city, led to a space where the dreaming and the waking hours encounter each other as an attempt to merge the different layers composing ‘reality’

'The City' Room [Video Projection]

'The Dreams' Room [Ceiling Video Projection]

The Archetype Experiment


January 2017

Fort Blauwkapel, Utrecht NL

The meeting with oneself is, at first, the meeting with one´s own shadow. The shadow is a tight passage, a narrow door, whose constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well
— The archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Carl Jung, 1943.

This installation was developed as part of an spatial and aesthetic exploration related to the concept of the ´Shadow´archetype proposed by Carl Jung. After some visual experimentation with the collected material from my personal dream´s diary and the imagery collected from the city, I selected one of the dreams that reflects my perception of the ‘Shadow’ archetype concept and the visual material connected to it. This material was used in different try outs to generate a spatial experience. Different objects and compositions were explored to create a specific atmosphere that could show the merge of the image from the dream and the material collected from the city.

1 dream.JPG



Images taken from different try outs with testing spectators at Fort Blauwkapel, Utrecht (January 2017)

The City + The Dreams

About the study of the conscious and the unconscious in space...

The next experiment consisted on analizing how the different layers of consciousness can get connected with space. For this I divided the work in two parts: one connected to my dreams in which I kept a diary with sketches of the emotional and spatial sensations in them and the other part was connected to my conscious side in which I explored the city connecting with the space through my camera.



About a possible merge between the conscious and the unconscious in space...

After collecting the material from the city and my dreams,a process of visual experimentation began.

-Collage Technique-

The Doors Experiment


May 2016

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Abut a peek into my introspective world (...)

[Printed Collage from a collection of doors images + Video showing extracts from images and videos collected in Utrecht, The Netherlands and Quito, Ecuador]


The research about ‘Multilayered Atmospheres’ began with a question regarding the relationship between the introspective world of a human being and how it gets reflected in space. As a way to explore this connection I decided to make videos of my current environment (Utrecht, The Netherlands) as well as videos from my native city (Quito, Ecuador) and connect both of them in a filmic collage. This collage was presented in an installation together with another collage made of pictures of doors. The collage of doors was the symbolic idea of an entrance to my mind and was also related to the previous study on architectural skins, and the video represented my inner world connected to both my current environment and my thoughts about my country.






'To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift. Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves. But what if these others belong to a different species and inhabit a radically alien Universe? For example, how can the sane get to know what it actually feels like to be mad? 

From 'The Doors of Perception' by Aldous Huxley